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cAcB cCcD cEcF cGcH cIcJ cKcL cMcN cOcP cQcR cScT cUcV cWcX cYcZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
VC VILVEX cables +triangles 2
VENUS p.v.c. wires & cables 9
VEROLEX cables 9
VIMAL wires & cables 9
VINAY genuine cables +oval 12
VIPUL FLEX insulated cables 9
VIRAL cables and wires 9
VIRAT cables 9
VIVEZA cables +arc 9
VOLTAIC wires & cables 9
VP-cables 9
VS +cables 9
W MAHARAJA cables 9
cables 9
WECCO cables 9
WESTIN pvc wires & cables 9
YESHIKA cables 6
YESSIR cables 9
ZEE cables 12
a TO z wires & cables 9
btu KARGO CABLES +cables 8
california cables +bird 6
cables 17
gc GLORY cables +sun 9
jje EZEE FLEX cables 9
jk super cables 9
jmd MAANU cables 6
kc KOTEX cables 6
cables 9
m MAHARAJA cables +crown 9
m MIRINDA cables +spark 9
natraj cables +sun & idol 9
neu FLEX cables 9
new PROMAX cables +circle 9
r RAJDOOT cables +circle 9
r royal wires & cables 9
smart cables 9
sri SAGAR wire & cables +ma 9
WHITE cabron 14
ADYAR cabs +car 39
BELL cabs +vehicle 39
COORG cabs 39
FINO cabs 9
NOW cabs 39
PRIME cabs 39
S.K cabs 39
TCK TILAWAT cachew katlee 30
BLACK CACTUS super +cactus 5
CACTUS +cactus 14
MARUBHUMI +cactus & plants 18, 20, 24, 25
SIGN cad professional 41
cadalmin MARINE FISHERIES 31, 35
cadbury CHOCOLAIT 30
cadbury DAIRY MILK 30
cadcam GURU +god 16
cadcam GURU +mouse 16
ESS WEAR +caduceus 10
JANAK HOSPITAL +caduceus 44
MY DOCTOR +caduceus & tower 16
RCH +caduceus & shield 44
RREC +caduceus & cross 41
RXPRESS +caduceus 44
VMH vijayawada +caduceus 35, 44
W WARDEN SURGICAL +caduceus 10
hands caduceus & circle 44
vijayawada +caduceus arrows 16
BOLLUWOOD lounge & caf'e 42
ONE CENT caf'e +circles 43
OXY caf'e 16
cafco GOLD CRUST premium 30
cafe 88 43
cafe ALFA +circle 42
cafe AMORE 43
cafe AZUL 42
cafe BASILICO BISTRO & DELI 29, 30, 32, 42
cafe BASILIO'S 7 +oval 43
cafe BROWNI +square 43
cafe BY THE BEACH 43
cafe CHOKOLADE +boy & splas 43
cafe DE LYARA +elephant ova 30, 42
cafe DEJA VU 42
cafe GM 33
cafe HUT COFFEE +cup circle 35
cafe HUT COFFEE +cup saucer 42
cafe JUNCTION +cups saucers 42
cafe KAFKA 30, 31, 33, 42
cafe LAZYDAYS +man & hammoc 42
cafe LYON xxx rum +crown 33
cafe NAPOLITANA +oval 30
cafe NESCAFE 29, 32
cafe OLE 32
cafe POTENZA +cup & arrow 43
cafe RITZ bar & restaurant 30
cafe ROCHA +cup & circle 42
cafe ROULETTE 30
cafe ROULETTE +clock 29
cafe SAGAR 30
cafe SALSAA 42
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